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Freshman Formula

Six Tips for College Students

By Rachel Sprouse

As a new college student, moving away from home and/or learning to navigate college life can be very exciting. However, it can also be a bit overwhelming. It gets easier with time, but for students about to start their first semester, the anxiety of packing and adjusting to a new school and environment can be a bit much. So for incoming freshmen, here are some tips to make the adjustment easier.

1. Do Not Over-Pack
Unless permanently moving to the area the schools in, theres no reason everything from back home has to come along. Dorms are traditionally tinier than the average bedroom, and most on-campus living situations have students sharing their living space with at least one other person. By bringing only whats absolutely necessary and packing two items from home for comfort, students will minimize their move-in stress. Check with your colleges housing website to see the items that will be provided in the space so unnecessary items arent lugged up the stairs or in a tiny elevator. For instance, some dorms may allow toaster ovens, while others dont.

2. Lock Your Door and Bring the Key
For the sakes of your resident assistant and future roommates, remember to bring your dorm key when you leave. Being locked out and having to pay a lockout fee, or having to wait for a roommate to return from class to unlock the door, is not fun for anyone. Several frantic phone calls to a roommate can be avoided by buying a lanyard or keeping the key in your backpack at all times.

3. Get Involved! Join a New Club
This will seem redundant, especially after hearing it again at orientation, but its stressed to incoming students because it really is great advice. During class, there are only a few minutes to talk to other classmates. Through student organizations and campus activities, many connections and friendships can be made. Going Greek can also introduce students to new people, but its not the only way to make friends on campus. Your college experience is what you make of it. The more you do, the better it will be, but dont sign up for every single thing. While college is certainly a fun, social experience, dont forget to make time to study. After all, thats the main reason youre there. College can be a great time to learn how to balance fun and responsibility before you begin your career and have bills to pay.

4. Dont Eat Alone
For most out-of-state students, its unlikely that friends from your old high school will be on the same campus. Just because a student comes into college knowing no one does not mean thats how theyll be at the end of the year. Do not eat alone. Knock on a suitemates door and ask if they want to grab lunch, or talk to the person in line at Starbucks. Never miss an opportunity to talk to someone new.

5. Its Okay to Fail the First Quiz
That may come as a shock, but its not the end of the world. College is nothing like high school. Depending upon the major and course load, it might be easier or more difficult. High school students who waited until the night before to cram for a major test, and somehow managed to do well, may need to change their study habits. Cramming does not work well in college, especially with courses that require hundreds of pages of reading each night. By learning the professors test format and knowing what to review, your one failure can be turned into a semester of success. Just dont let it become a habit. If necessary, talk to your professor during office hours.

6. Unplug Once in a While
Technology is pertinent in college for group projects, writing papers and completing assignments. But dont let it replace the college experience by spending hours scrolling through a social feed. By logging out of social media every once in a while, students can focus more on whats happening around them and discover new things about their campus.

College is a wonderful time where many young adults figure out what they want to do with their lives. No one is expected to know everything on day one. That is what college is for learning and trying new things. Youll soon discover that your college years fly by faster than you expected. So take advantage of the opportunities it presents, and enjoy every minute of it.