Springtime is an exciting time of year. The sun shines longer, festivals and events start lining our calendars, and typically many of our existing businesses begin making exterior modifications, renovations, and planned facelift projects. Spring also marks when many new businesses choose to open.

In almost all cases, these commercial renovations and structural changes
require permits. Codes can be quite difficult to understand, especially for business and property owners. Here in Canton we have knowledgeable and multi-accredited staff readily available to assist and answer questions about building, fire, and development codes.

Building codes are of utmost importance for promoting more durable commercial structures that are safeguarded from incidents such as fires, electrical malfunctions,
and natural disasters. These standards are important, not only to eliminate or reduce property damage, but also to protect occupants from a variety of potential hazards and ensure safe evacuations in the event of an emergency. Permits are the acknowledgment of your structure as up-to-code, structurally sound, and safe for your given occupant load and use.

Additionally, commercial building codes help to protect the substantial investment that businesses have in their facilities, inventories, operations and employees. The technical requirements outlined in the codes are the most cost-effective means of achieving life safety protections, while the enforcement mechanisms, such as inspections, that should accompany the codes, are minimally invasive procedures that help protect lives and livelihoods by ensuring consistent application of the standards.

Due to the seriousness of it all, please do not undertake a construction or renovation project without proper permits. Call City staff to help guide you and ensure proper codes are followed. In the big picture, the cost of adhering to building and fire recommendations and purchasing permits is much cheaper than losing an entire business or property due to a structure failure or something catching fire.

Business owners should make sure that all construction projects incorporate adequate protections even if there are no code requirements governing a construction project or business operation.

Let us help. Do not hesitate to call us. It is our duty, both professionally and ethically, to provide the necessary information to ensure safe construction and renovation.