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Book Review: Orphan Island

By Marcia Divack

Nine on an island, orphans all, any more, the sky might fall. These are the words a group of nine children live by on the mysterious Orphan Island. The island is idyllic and provides for all the needs of its inhabitants. There is always food, the weather is always fair, and even the animals on the island live in harmony with the children.

Each year, a little green boat brings one child to the island and then bears one away. This is the way it has always been and likely always will be. No one on the island ever questions the rules, until Jinny becomes the Elder. After Deen is borne away by the boat, Jinny, as Elder, is now required to care specifically for Ess, the newest child on the island, while also ensuring the safety of the other seven children who reside there. All the children need to do is follow the rule of nine. As the year progresses and Jinnys time to leave the island approaches, she begins to increasingly question the need to maintain the rules. Jinny scoffs at the idea of ensuing chaos should she choose to remain on the island.

This story is certainly a metaphor and most likely an allegory. It is as much about growing up as it is about questioning long-held beliefs and challenging the order of things. Lyrically written by Georgia author Laurel Snyder, this beautifully moving book of magical realism may lead readers to think about their lives and the consequences of their decisions. While this story is intended for children ages nine to twelve, many adults may also enjoy reading it. Additionally, it works very well as a read-aloud, shared with and discussed amongst the entire family.