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Book Review: The Fairacre Book Series

The Fairacre Book Series and its Authentic, Lovable Characters

By Catherine Groves

Ive always considered books to be a bit like people; some I read and never think about again; some I read and never forget, and then there are a few I just cant imagine living without. Every once in a blue moon, I find myself yearning for a visit to Fairacre. Doris Saint, under the pen name of Miss Read, wrote her first book of her Fairacre series, Village School, shortly after the Second World War. Based on her own memories of living and teaching in an English village, her Fairacre series, along with her Thrush Green series, have been read by millions. 

Although Ive visited Fairacre too many times to tell, the poignancy and warmth of my dear book friends never wanes; each visit only draws me closer and teaches me yet another life lesson. For there is no drama, no mystery, no bone-chilling murders, or heart wrenching love stories. Instead, there are real, everyday people living simple, everyday lives.

Based on the life of a spinster school teacher, each day is just that another day. But the characters intertwined in this small village life are so very real. Its incredibly difficult to believe they are not. Each book in the series tells the story of another year in the village. It follows the cranky school cleaner, Mrs. Pringle, the lives of the students and their families, the church and school fundraisers, and about dear Miss Read and her own activities with her personal friends and challenges.

Although there is no so-called plot to unravel, the lives and characters begin bringing rhyme and reason to what this thing we call life is all about. Each chapter, no matter how many times I read it, has me laughing and crying at the same time and finding any one person to listen to me read out loud about what one of my dear friends has done now.  It is impossible to not want to share these endearing friends. 

Find Miss Read in your nearest bookstore or on Kindle. Look up the list of the Fairacre series, and read them in order. When youve finished those, start on the Thrush Green series! Youll really be glad you did.